Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Last Day of Class

Wrap up discussion, explaining the final papers, and evaluations. During the official finals next week, I will be available in my office LH 116 rather than in CH206 starting at 5PM.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The evidence...

Post who the three students are with whom you discussed their outline. I do not expect to read what you discussed with them. I would like to know who the three are. Do no say who had hi, medium, and low "scores".
Once you have completed this process, turn to the writing of your final paper!

The second to last meeting .. outlines are finished, we need to complete the final projects by next week Tuesday noon.

I need you to review the outlines posted by your peers. Some make immediate sense, and will generate a great paper. Others are predictably dysfunctional. When reviewing the outlines, answer the following questions for each student's posted outline:
1. Does the proposed outline meet the demands of the topic?
1.1 If yes, how is that accomplished?
1.2 If no, what needs to happen now?
2. Look at the paragraphs of the body text. Are the proposed steps logical, comprehensive enough, and adequate to serve the thematic statement from the introduction?
3. Does the conclusion make sense? Does it reflect a progression of thought and consideration in the main body? Does it propose to draw meaningful conclusions?
After you have answered these questions for each outline, pick one student with an outstanding outline, one middle, and one poor outline. Seek out the students and tell them what you think about their outlines and topics. Do not be shy or too polite: we are working on quality enhancement, not on kindness and politeness. We must all be open to suggestions. Help the student with a poor outline improve her/his outline. Learn from the student with the best outline, and try to get better than the one in the middle with your own work.
After each student has talked to three classmates, go and make adjustments to your own outline. Next week, the entire paper is due at noon on 4-24.

We will meet in Miller Center 206 again next week.

During the hours of our final on Wednesday, May 2nd (not mandatory to attend), I will be in LH 116 from 5-7 PM. I will not first come to MC206.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Homework for 4-17

The final topic
A thematic statement within your introduction.
An outline with all major points (the easiest structure: thesis, antithesis, synthesis)
Your conclusion
A "works cited" or bibliography page
5-8 pages, posted by 4-24-2012

From one student's post ...

      Saudi Arabia is a large country that covers most of the Arabian peninsula [1] and according to the CIA Factbook's website, it is the "birthplace of Islam and home to Islam's two holiest shrines in Mecca and Medina"[2]. Even though most of Saudi Arabia took a long time to be settled due to the inhospitable climate [3], Saudi Arabia was founded as a state in 1744 [1]. Saudi Arabia is bordered by the Red Sea[1], so along these areas agriculture is possible[1]. According to the U.S. Department of State website[3], "oil accounts for...about 75% of government revenues" and the CIA Factbook also states that Saudi Arabia has an economy heavily dependent on oil[2]. Government in Saudi Arabia is heavily based upon Islam, because the constitution follows Islamic law[2].
[1] http://www.everyculture.com/Sa-Th/Saudi-Arabia.html Visited 4/3/12 at 7:42 P.M.
[2]  https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sa.html Visited 4/3/12 at 7:43 P.M.
[3] http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3584.htm Visted 4/3/12 at 7:45 P.M.

Improvement needed: Count all quotes from first to last and use ibid. to denote previously used sources.
      Saudi Arabia is a large country that covers most of the Arabian peninsula [1] and according to the CIA Factbook's website, it is the "birthplace of Islam and home to Islam's two holiest shrines in Mecca and Medina"[2]. Even though most of Saudi Arabia took a long time to be settled due to the inhospitable climate [3], Saudi Arabia was founded as a state in 1744 [not needed because of the next one]. Saudi Arabia is bordered by the Red Sea[not needed because of the next one], so along these areas agriculture is possible[4]. According to the U.S. Department of State website[5], "oil accounts for...about 75% of government revenues" and the CIA Factbook also states that Saudi Arabia has an economy heavily dependent on oil[6]. Government in Saudi Arabia is heavily based upon Islam, because the constitution follows Islamic law[7].

The meaning and use of the term ibid. is sufficiently discussed by the Wikipedia enxyclopedia: "Ibid. (Latin, short for ibidem, meaning the same place) is the term used to provide an endnote or footnote citation or reference for a source that was cited in the preceding endnote or footnote. It is similar in meaning to idem (meaning something that has been mentioned previously; the same), abbreviated Id., which is commonly used in legal citation.[1] To find the ibid. source, one must look at the reference preceding it." (1)
(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibid. visited April 10, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Homework for next week

The comparison of three interviews, the completed review of all third interviews, the sample quotation exercise, and the topic of your final paper. For the final paper, please post
- the title
- an abstract of what it will be about
- a rough first outline with main headers
Next week I will not meet you in class, but rather in my office LH 116. I want to discuss the final paper with you, so that you can post a final outline, introduction, and conclusion by April 17, our second to last class period. Reserve a time slot: here.

5:30:00 Xingyi Zhang
5:40:00 ariane muhimpundu
5:50:00 Nicholas Schleif
6:00:00 Tiffany Smith
6:10:00 Boshi Chen
6:20:00 Joseph Reece
6:30:00 Farrukh Abdullaev
6:40:00 lizhongmeizi
6:50:00 Hao Xu
7:00:00 Lianlin Liu
7:10:00 Abdullah M
7:20:00 Faisal Alali
7:30:00 Mengyao Ding
7:40:00 yuewang
7:50:00 Abdullah A
8:00:00 Janvier Byiringiro
8:10:00 Neset Furkan Akbas
8:20:00 zhaoyang zhang
8:30:00 Yi Gu
8:40:00 Ashley
wed 12:10 Janaka

Evaluating student interviews one last time; comparing interview three to two and one.

After you have reviewed and rated all interviews from your peers (as always), reflect on a comparison of your own first two interviews to the third one.

What changed from the first to the second and third one? 
What did you do differently? 
Was the interviewee from the same country or culture?
Did you get communicative flow, and did you hear and record information that added to the knowledge base from the first interview? 
What was new? 
What was contradictory? 
How much time did you spend, transcribing the recorded audio portion?
How satisfied are you with your effort? Compare yourself to other second interviews you read.

Please write 300-500 words about this. It's due before by next week Tuesday noon.